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2020 Iphones Will Be Radically Different From the Current Generation Devices

 If you are an ardent iPhone fan, this article is especially for you. Even if you aren’t, it will give you information that can be very beneficial for you. If you are planning to buy an iPhone, it might be a wise idea to wait for some more time. For most of the iPhone lover, their wait is going to be finally over as Apple is going to launch its new series of iPhone in just a few days’ time. Should you jump on to iPhone 11 or wait to buy 2020 iPhones? Let us find out.

Ming Chi-Kuo, who is a well known Apple inside, has said that Cupertino giant is planning to completely overhaul its iPhones from next year onwards. In a report published in a famous website, this developer has confirmed that Apple is planning to introduce three big features in its iPhones in 2020. No iPhone support number will confirm these changes but they are obviously earth shattering for the users.

Firstly, Apple is seriously thinking about a change in the form factor. No, this change is not going to be in the length or thickness of the iPhone. If you talk to any iPhone support help line, you will know that Apple has been working on a foldable design of its smartphone for quite some time. If you buy iPhone 111, it may not be any different from your current iPhone X. It may be prudent to wait for a year if it means you can lay your hands on a foldable iPhone. Even if Apple is not able to launch foldable design in 2020, the iPhone in 2020 will certainly have a radically different design than existing iPhones.

Second feature that Kuo talks about is 5G capable iPhones. If you wish to be the owner of a 5G phone in some time, it is a good idea to wait for some time as Apple is planning to introduce its 5G capable iPhones in 2020. Why buy a 4G iPhone 11 when you can own a more powerful and faster 5G capable iPhone in 2020. There are enough indications that iPhone 11 will not boast 5G capabilities.

Finally, the biggest upgrade in 2020 iPhones will be in terms of their camera power. Everyone seems to be pretty excited about the triple cameras in the rear in the iPhone 11 series of smartphones. What these fans do not know is that Apple is planning to introduce the much talked about Rime of Flight Sensor as well as 3D mapping technology only in 2020 iPhones. If you talk to iPhone support service, they will not confirm about these features in iPhones next year, but Kuo believes the much touted Time of Flight Sensor will be there in 2020 iPhones.

If you are still not convinced, wait to see many more features like 120 Hz pro motion display, Touch ID, and USB-C in next year’s iPhones. While all these changes are still not confirmed, there is every chance that with an iPhone 11 in your hands, you might feel like owning an outdated smartphone when 2020 iPhones arrive in the stores.

more information :aim mail


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